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Dr. H. Indra Muchlis Adnan, SH., MH., MM., P.hD
ID Scopus : 57192154667
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Dr. Najamuddin, Lc., MA
ID Scopus : 57209263089
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Dr. H. Abdullah, S.Si., M.Kom
(Universitas Islam Indragiri)
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Dr. Mulono Apriyanto, MP
(Universitas Islam Indragiri)
ID Scopus: 57211441919
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Wandi, S.H. MH
Universitas Islam Indragiri (UNISI)
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Dr. Ali Azhar, S.Sis., MH
Universitas Islam Indragiri (UNISI)
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Dr. Edi Susrianto Indra Putra, M. Pd
Universitas Islam Indragiri (UNISI)
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I Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, P.hD
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Dr. Udin Saparudin, M.A
Universitas Islam Bandung
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Dr. Tuti Andriani, M.Pd.I
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UIN Imam Bonjol Bonjol Padang
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Muhammad Sohibul Ihsan
Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram
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Habibullah, S.Pd.,M.Pd.
(Yogyakarta State University UNY)
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