Copyright Terms

AL-BAHTS follows a Copyright Policy to ensure the protection of authors' rights and the responsible dissemination of research findings. Please carefully read the following information regarding the copyright terms and licensing of articles published in AL-BAHTS.

1. Copyright Transfer

  • Upon acceptance of a manuscript for publication in AL-BAHTS, the corresponding author is required to transfer the copyright of the accepted article to AL-BAHTS.
  • The copyright transfer agreement ensures that AL-BAHTS has the right to publish, reproduce, distribute, and display the article in both print and electronic formats.

2. Author Rights

  • Authors retain certain rights to their work after transferring the copyright to AL-BAHTS.
  • Authors have the right to use their own articles, in whole or in part, for non-commercial purposes, such as teaching, presentations, or sharing with colleagues.
  • Authors can also include their articles in their personal or institutional repositories, provided that appropriate credit is given to AL-BAHTS as the original publisher.

3. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC)

  • AL-BAHTS publishes articles under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC).
  • This means that the published articles are freely available to the public and can be shared and redistributed, as long as proper attribution is given to the original authors.
  • Users are allowed to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the published work for non-commercial purposes only, as long as they attribute the work to the authors and provide a link to the original publication in AL-BAHTS.

4. Third-Party Content

  • Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions or clearances for the use of third-party copyrighted material (e.g., figures, tables, or excerpts from other publications) in their articles.
  • Proper acknowledgment and citation of the original sources are required for any third-party content used in the articles.

5. Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement

  • AL-BAHTS takes issues of plagiarism and copyright infringement seriously.
  • Authors are required to ensure that their submitted manuscripts are original works and do not infringe upon the copyrights of others.
  • If any copyright infringement or plagiarism is detected, appropriate actions, including rejection of the manuscript or retraction of the published article, will be taken in accordance with our Editorial Policy.